Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Read any good blogs lately?

I really don't remember quite how I stumbled onto it but I recently found a blog called "Rocks in my Dryer". I got to reading and clicking and 4 hours later, I had 20+ new friends who just happened to also be moms who like to blog.

Now, don't get me wrong. These girls have never met or spoken with me but after reading their daily lives through their archival links, I feel like they are some of my closest friends. I laughed till my new coworkers started to wonder what I was doing and I cried till my contacts literally floated right out of my eyes.

A lot of them have been blogging for years. I feel like such a newbie. Anyway, I wanted to share of my favorite blogs I found yesterday from fellow moms.

Rocks in my Dryer
Living in Grace
Everyday Mommy
Antique Mommy
Don't Try This at Home

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