Thursday, August 16, 2007

What Brings You Joy? is having a free give-away contest for essays on "What Brings You Joy". They're giving away the JOYS system which I have been drooling over for a year.

So I was thinking...what brings me joy? There are a lot of things obviously. The small wonders of life like a beautiful sunset, a good job, a vehicle that runs and air to breath. Then there are the big things like the crash I avoided by 10 seconds or the new job opportunity that presented itself when I was least expecting it. But honestly, the one thing that brings me the most joy consistently is the fact that my son and I are so close.

Although he will officially be a teenager in less than 10 days, he still thinks his mom register a respectable average on the "cool scale". I love to spend time with him in the outdoors and I thank God for putting me in such a beautiful state and giving me the opportunity to raise my son in the same "Big Sky" country. Last weekend I got to take him on his first kayaking adventure. We decided on the lake instead of the river since it would be calmer water for his first time out. He took to it like a fish in water, pun intended.

So that's what brings me JOY. Sure having everything organized at home and work is great because you save time, but spending that extra time with your family is the really nice thing that makes it all worth while.

1 comment:

Loralee Choate said...

I am totally looking forward to my boys being teenagers. Totally.