Thursday, January 18, 2007

Project 365

Long before the holidays, I started to search for the best digital camera on the market for myself and my tight budget. I finally found and ordered one that would fit my style, photographic ambitions and again, small budget.

While searching for user reviews, I came across a photo-blogging website that suggested trying something for the new year called Project 365. It's basically a decision to take a new photo everyday and keep it in some sort of organized fashion so at the end of the year you can not only see how you have progressed as a photographer but you will also get to experience your past year in vivid full-color detail.

OK, so this takes some devotion or reminding but I was adamant to my son that this is what I was going to do this year. I took a great shot (see left) for January 1st and also another one for January 2nd (see below) and then, of course, January 3rd rolled around and I promptly forgot about it.

So I was thinking today, because I just remembered it, that I should use this blog to remind me. I will post a new photo everyday and that way I can hold myself accountable. :-)

P.S. The camera I finally decided on is a Canon IS S3. I used some coupons and a sale at to get it at $125 off the retail price! Oh, and the photo to the right is of the snow plowed off of I-90 at the top of Snoqualmie Pass in WA on our way home from Seattle.

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