Thursday, January 18, 2007

Project 365 - Day 18

OK, so if you read the post before you already know that I started a new project for the year taking a photo every day and posting it to this blog. You will also already know that I promptly forgot the new year's resolution after the second day and did not remember it again until today.

So, without further ado, here is my first post...

It's actually some of my son's left over Christmas candy I brought to work with me today. I was fooling around with the macro button on the new camera and I think it turned out kind of nice.

Now please remember, I am NOT a professional so if you are going to critique my work, be kind! :-)

P.S. I know that this doesn't really have anything to do with being a single christian mom. I'm just hoping that posting here will give me the kick I need to actually continue with this. Plus, you will get to see lots of interesting things in my little family life. Think about that! YIKES!

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